Latest GPGnet v1.5.225.1~ Download Link
- Add support for Space Siege
o Space Siege game lobby added
o Support added for backend Space Siege server connectivity
- Multi-server connectivity enhancements
o Available client interface elements are configured appropriately
for the actively selected server and game.
o Certain features within GPGnet are available or unavailable
depending on actively selected game (e.g. Tournaments, Vault, and
World Map are not available for Space Siege)
Team reporting update.
World map is more intelligent about memory it uses.
Fixed a problem with game reports that was affecting teams where
the gathering would disband before all players had reported in.
You now return to the last chatroom after a team game.
World map in it's final form is back.
Arranged teams have a new formation screen we are testing.
Multiple fixes to the backend for team reporting.
Various but fixes.
Automated Ranked search now expands the rating threshhold by +- 25
points every 30 seconds.
Refined UI in various areas to match marketing spec.
It should no longer be possible to pound the play now button.
Player names are not visible in automatch. Cancel button remains on
Acknowledged now that
the name is gone.
Changed how teams are assigned in reporting arranged team games.
Upped timeout on CD Key validation to hopefully counter invalid cd
key messages on slow systems.
Fixed clan invalid id apon leaving.
Various other bug fixes.
Added replay search functionality.
Added replay rating and comments functionality.
Emotes in chat now display the same size as in the emote manager.
Chat icons no longer drift.
Game report submissions have changed for automatches.
Introduced world map functionality.
This will let you browse
friends, clanmates,
top10, and game reports as they happen on the world map. Players who
cannot be resolved end up in Antarctica.
Added a go away checkbox for replay submissions.
Added some extra work to connectivity to help race conditions
introduced with
replicated databases and getting the player list to NAT traverse in
a game.
Fixed some reporting bugs for web statistics and main GPGnet
Arranged team members were not always returning to chat correctly.
Friends tab now appears with information when you have no friends.
Fixed an emote crash.
Compressing replays.
Fixed a chat bug causing dropped messages.
Updated the patching system to support individual supcom files.
Added a custom emote system. The display is server side
Added the ability to assign icons to players. Icons are fetched via
a web url. Only GPG can
assign chat icons.
/chicken and /canadian now work for admins.
Added a replay submission manager.
Arranged teams reporting fix. The winners and losers of the game are
no longer appearing out of
order and messing up whether or not it attempts to report the game.
Changed how games are logged for faster reporting and fewer dropped
Fixed many localization issues.
Added tracking for custom games to determine hosted, launched,
completion, and failure rates.
Various bug fixes.
Performance optomization and monitoring.
Various bug fixes.
1.5.35 - v1.5.37
Internal builds
Added a registration form for use on Supcom Install.
Addresses performance issues with chat starting to lag after being
on GPGnet for a certain amount of time.
New Feature: GPGnet will exit you from a chatroom after being
inactive for a certain period of time.
You can now get clan profiles from clan rankings.
Fixed crashing that could occur when exiting Supreme Commander and
returning to GPGnet.
Draws or mutal destruction no longer result in a win for one player.
Various bug fixes.
Internal build
Significant change to communication scheme between Supreme Commander
and GPGnet that addresses issues with antivirus and network
management software that caused application hangs; as well as
addressing issues with keyboard/hotkey software that caused the game
to freeze.
Adjustments to Arranged Teams to account for too many players
incorrectly joining/exiting teams.
New feature: GPGnet Knowledge Base. Online help system allowing
users to search for help items by related keywords.
Various bug fixes.
New feature: Arranged Teams. Players can now organize teams and
launch automatch searches for other teams.
New feature: Change user account name. At login, players can choose
to change their username. Usernames are automatically updated
everywhere within the application. However, rankings and records
always remain intact.
New feature: Play Right Now button speeds access to 1v1 ranked
matches by automatically launching game searches using last known
automatch preferences.
Addressed various performance issues related to threads
inappropriately using system resources.
Additional optimizations for chat to correct issues of players not
seeing one another promptly.
Variousbug fixes.
1.5.28 - 29
Internal build only.
Significant optimization to chat; users with older versions will be
unable to effectively chat with users of this version.
Various bug fixes.
1.5.26 (Beta 38)
Fixed crash bug related to COM calls, related to failures to launch
Various bug fixes.
Internal builds only
1.5.23 (Beta 30)
Included ability for users to password-protect games.
Included ability for users to use additional right-click
context-menu features within the main window of chat.
Fixed bug where some users were experiencing connectivity issues
when attempting to automatch while in crowded chat room.
Adjusted focus of private messages to prevent messages from stealing
focus from each other.
Various fixes for users not appropriately being returned to chat
rooms after exiting games.
Various fixes for application crashes.
1.5.19-22 (Beta 30)
Internal builds only
1.5.19 (Beta 27-30)
Adjusted automatching to provide better indications for users when
automatches fail.
Added improved ability for users to cancel automatch searches.
Sorted chat lists alphabetically.
Various fixes for GPGnet chat issues, including lagginess and crash
when attempting to post an HTML link.
Improved front-page stats refreshes.
Adjusted back-end systems to automatically create chat rooms when
they are full.
Updated profanity filter file.
Various fixes for display of player profiles -- Fixes rankings
display and fixes problem with player profile descriptions not being
1.5.18 (Beta 27)
Adjusted autopatching to properly handle GPGnet and SupCom.
Internal builds only
1.5.15 (Beta 20)
Fixed situation where users were able to join games before patching.
Fixed chat channel fail-over conditions; now correctly flushing
unused channels.
Fixed situation where users were able to host games while
simultaneously searching for a ranked game.
Updated profanity filter file.
1.5.14 (Beta)
Fixes the process for how automatched ratings were being recorded.
Various fixes for errors with clan-creation and management
Map name and max players now appearing correctly on Join Games
1.5.13 (Beta)
Updates SupCom patch-brokering process.
Adjusts Quazal server-side scripts to improve prompt detection when
players join and leave gatherings.
Updates terminology of product in several locations to GPGnet:
Supreme Commander.
1.5.12 (Beta)
Beta version -- Now connects to Quazal beta backend for improved
Beta version -- Now requires a beta key in order to launch GPGnet:
Supreme Commander.
Beta version -- Accounts set up on the development servers do not
carry over to the beta servers. Users must re-create accounts, as
Modified autopatch procedure for both GPGnet: Supreme Commander and
the GPGnet-brokered patch of Supreme Commander.
.EXE detection defaults to true, and first attempts to locate the
beta .exe. Application prompts you to browse for one if the beta is
not detected.
Added additional automatching functionality -- detecting maps and
factions, and properly detecting victories.
Fixed Options to correctly detect and set changes to options.
Fixed scroll bars in private messages.
Added ability for users to adjust chat line spacing.
Various fixes to friends and clans notifications.
Various other fixes to chat and application UI.
1.5.10 - v1.5.11
Several improvements to the application's UI, including a new
bottom-row Command Bar, improved chat behavior on private messages
and consistent font/color applications throughout the application.
Fixed how inactive games were being flushed from the game list.
Various fixes for clan and friends behaviors.
Added right-click filtering ability to chat rooms -- you can now
filter by friends, clans, admins, etc., or clear chat entirely. You
can also highlight a chat entry and copy it to your clipboard.
Added ability to see when friends and clan members have created and
joined games. Notifications include links to join those people in
Fixed friends login notification to prevent it from stealing focus
from the application.
Fixed ability for users to change their account passwords.
1.5.7 - v1.5.9
Various UI fixes.
Corrected auto-patching problems for RTPatch and ClickOnce release
schemes, ensuring that versions are fully synched.
Improvements to chat scroll bars and chat lists to correct
auto-scrolling and collapsing container bugs.
Corrected error where users were not being properly removed from
chat rooms upon exiting the application.
Login window UI updated to ease account management.
Enumeration issue corrected between versions to correct private
message errors.
Quazal sandbox servers updated to R12 server code version.
Various back-end fixes. to v1.5.0.39
Various back-end fixes.
Standalone installer released for GPGnet: Supreme Commander, now
featuring a WinForms-based UI, DevExpress controls and several new